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Current Members in Kate and Jason's Wedding
Displaying entries 1 - 18 of 18

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Date December 9, 2000
Name Gina Costa
City Mount Sinai
State NY
Country USA
Comments Da,da,dee,dum....Okay guys, Anguila not withstanding, tese are by far going to be the best days of your lives. Thank you for having me at your wedding. I would be hard pressed to remember one I have ever enjoyed more. I am fully intending on calling Val and Ralph tonight with this message but wanted to try to contact you guys directly. Why????? Because your cousin/cousin-in-law is an idiot as I left DC with your gift. (It was in the trunk). Give me a heads up if I should hold it for Christmas Eve,(please still come here), or if it would be easier if I gave it to Val. Hey, we could absolutely always meet in NYC for dinner. I definitely don't need an excuse. I love you both. Thank you again. The Wedding,(capital T, capital W was exceptional.) Always, Gina Costa

Date November 18, 2000
Name Helen Baldino
City Paradise Valley
State Arizona
Comments Hi Kate and Jason: Enjoyed your web site and great pictures. We're looking forward to seeing you, Kate, and meeting Jason. Love, Aunt Helen and Uncle Joe

Date August 17, 2000
Name Edith Liu
City New York
State NY
Country USA
Comments This was really cute. And a great improvement from the Beta Version. Kudos to all who worked on it. Congrats to both Jay and Kate! You guys look so cute in those pics.

Date July 14, 2000
Name Susan Hearn
City Austin
State Texas
Country USA
Comments Yea!! I'm so happy for the two of you. I can't wait to come to DC and share the most important day of your lives with you. Looking through the site has gotten me even more excited. (By the way, the site is great!) I'm so happy for you! Susan

Date July 10, 2000
Name Ann Gahl
City Des Plaines
State IL
Country USA
Comments Congratulations to both of you! And this website is an awesome idea. Kate, you always were an out-of-the-box thinker! By the way, what are the mating habits of the African Water Moths? That phrase and the one about "yummy cake" made it apparent that Kate came up with many of the ideas on the site...always a sense of humor. And nice pictures; I especially like Jason with long hair and Kate in the pink junior prom dress! Ah, the memories. Keep in touch. Love, Ann

Date July 9, 2000
Name Jessica Montalbano
City Miller Place
State New York
Country U.S.
Comments I think your site is very impressive! I just have one question,though. If your whole family is getting together, then how come the kids arent comin??? :) jess

Date July 9, 2000
Name Barbara Montalbano
City Miller Place
State New York
Country USA
Comments Congratulations !!!!I loved the Web-site,very creative.We are looking forward to your wedding in Washington D.C.It is sure to be a good time.

Date July 6, 2000
Name Katrina Szakal
City New York
State NY
Country USA
Comments You two just made my day. This site is excellent, and I"m so excited for 12/2!

Date July 6, 2000
Name Tracey DeMartino
City Selden
State NY
Country USA
Comments Great site -- Lots of luck to the both of you.....

Date July 5, 2000
Name Renee
Comments Hey you two! I enjoyed your webpage very much and will visit again for all of the useful information. I cant tell you enough how happy I am for you two and how excited I am for Dec. 2. Hey, did you guys ever decide on a honeymoon destination?...:) love, Renee

Date July 2, 2000
Name joe
City seaford
State ny
Country usa
Comments Congratulations to the two of you, I am honored that I was asked to be in your bridal party. I am looking forward to drinking a lot at the party afterwards, and there's nothing wrong with a keg of Schlitz. College kids must buy beer wisely. Congratulations again and I hope to see you all soon. Love your cousin Joe!!!

Date June 29, 2000
Name sandy lombino
City seaford
State new york
Comments Kate and Jason - I love it, love it, love it almost as much as I love the two of you!!!! The save the date card and web site are great and I can't wait to see the picture gallery! We are looking forward to seeing you soon and can't wait for this wedding where we are all going to drink so much we will just make it to the elevator!?!? Hey Jay if you need any pictures for the gallery we have some real winners!!! Love - Aunt Sandy

Date June 29, 2000
Name Val Mazzio
City N.Massapequa
State New York
Country USA
Comments I can't wait for December 2nd. I knew the two of you were made for each other the day I met Kate. The web site is great! I have everyone I work with monitoring it daily. Jess really did a great job. I can't wait to see the pix on site. Happiness and love to you both.

Date June 29, 2000
Name Christine Latham
City Northport
State New York
Country USA
Comments Congratulations! So happy to hear your tying the knot! I love the announcement/invitation and the website too! We're looking forward to celebrating your big day with you.

Date June 26, 2000
Name Jason Taylor
City NYC
State NY
Country USA
Comments I have to say that this site is looking tres cool! Thanks to Jess and Katie of course... I'm not right-brained enough to do web site development. Oh well, bring out the yummy wedding cake!!! :)

Date June 15, 2000
Name Jess Finnefrock
City Occoquan
State VA
Comments Congratulations again Katie and Jay! I can hardly wait until December 2nd. Sorry to hear that there won't be any cheesy poofs, but I guess the cake and the chance to meet Jay's extended family will make up for it ;-)

Date June 15, 2000
Name Jo Parrish
City Occoquan
State VA
Comments What a great site. Good job Jess, Kate, and Jason.

Date June 14, 2000
Name Kate
City New York
State NY
Country USA
Comments Hi everybody! Welcome to our wedding page. We hope you enjoy it! Please let us know what you think. And a big thank you to Jessica for all her amazing web design help! (I assure you that this page would not be here if it were not for her:)